Educator Awards

The Jerome Perlinski Teacher of the Year and Dianne Polseno Lifetime Achievement awards honor outstanding massage educators.

About the Educator Awards

Jerome Perlinski Teacher of the Year Award

This award honors the memory of Jerome Perlinski, an extraordinary educator and much-loved leader.

Jerome Perlinski is remembered for his recognition of the gifts and talents of others and his ability to bring out their best. A consumer and advocate of massage therapy who was not a practitioner, Jerome held a doctorate in the history of ideas from St. Louis University.

He was a widely experienced teacher and lecturer whose committed work helped raise training standards, improve teaching methods and educate massage practitioners about the importance of ethical, professional behaviors. When colleagues remember Jerome, they use words like inspired, passionate, motivating, principled and exceptional.

The nomination period is now open! Submissions must be received by April 15th.

Download Award and Submission Info

Online Submission Form

Dianne Polseno Lifetime Achievement Award

The Dianne Polseno Lifetime Achievement Award honors the memory of Dianne Polseno, an industry leader who left behind a legacy of integrity, professionalism, leadership, volunteer service, massage research and an unquestionable commitment to the advancement of the massage education profession.


The Lifetime Achievement nominee should have manifested a history of unquestionable leadership, volunteer service, professionalism, integrity, and a commitment to research to advance the massage education profession.

Nominees must have a minimum of 15 years of service in massage education.

The nomination period is now open! Submissions must be received by April 15th.

Download Award and Submission Info

Online Submission Form

Congratulations to Tammy Roecker, Dianne Polseno Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient!