Fascial Therapy: The Science of Fascia
$60 members / $100 non-members 4 CE credits
Massage therapists take a comprehensive look at fasciae, its formation and makeup, and how restrictions can occur.
Learn the science of fascia and related techniques in this comprehensive continuing education program.
Are you looking for advanced continuing education to enhance your massage therapy skills? Fascial therapy can help your clients dealing with postural inefficiencies, movement dysfunction, scar tissue, athletic recovery and more. With the AMTA Fascial Therapy Continuing Education Program, learn the various techniques related to fascial therapy.
The AMTA Fascial Therapy Continuing Education Program includes three online courses covering practical information and a hands-on workshop demonstrating fascial therapy techniques and approaches. Successfully complete all three online courses and the hands-on workshop to earn 17 CE credits and finish the program. Or, take individual courses that suit your career goals and interests.
Explore more information on the AMTA Fascial Therapy CE Program.
$60 members / $100 non-members 4 CE credits
Massage therapists take a comprehensive look at fasciae, its formation and makeup, and how restrictions can occur.
$45 members / $75 non-members 3 CE credits
Learn how to identify fascial restrictions and dysfunctions. Get information on contraindications for fascial therapy and how to make assessments and plan treatments for those with restrictions.
$60 members / $100 non-members 4 CE credits
Find out why fascial therapy is successful through anatomical reasons, and how to choose the best technique to help your massage therapy clients.
Get hands-on experience learning the practical applications of fascial therapy. Explore various styles, techniques and philosophies of fascial therapy, and the related physiological responses of both the fascia and the rest of the body while earning 6 CE credits.
No workshops available at this time.
Learn more about this advanced continuing education program and how you can get started.
According to Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, fascia is defined as "a fibrous membrane covering, supporting, and separating muscles. It also unites the skin with underlying tissue. Fascia may be superficial, a nearly subcutaneous covering permitting free movement of the skin, or it may be deep, enveloping and binding muscles."
Fascia provides structure and support throughout your body. It holds your muscles together, which allows them to contract and stretch. It provides a smooth surface for your muscles, joints and organs to slide against each other without creating any friction or tears.
To get the most out of the AMTA Fascial Therapy Continuing Education Program, it is suggested that participants have accomplished the following:
Check with your massage therapy regulatory board to ensure you are in compliance with the defined scope of practice before studying or practicing any new method or modality.
The AMTA Fascial Therapy Continuing Education Program is a great opportunity to expand your skillset while earning up to 17 rigorously vetted, NCBTMB-approved CE credits. Earn up to 11 CE credits with the three online courses and 6 CE credits in the hands-on workshop.
View individual state CE approvals
Workshop attendees must be present for the entire workshop and actively participate and demonstrate skills and knowledge as outlined by the instructor to earn continuing education credit.
AMTA members who have successfully completed courses can view the continuing education credits in their online CE profile. Log in to AMTA's website, visit AMTA Education and select View Your CE Transcript. Contact AMTA if you have questions about your CE profile.
Check with your massage therapy regulatory body(s) to ensure you are in compliance with the defined scope of practice in your jurisdiction before considering studying or practicing any new technique. View AMTA's list of state regulatory boards.