Michael Jones

Massage Therapist Image

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4884 Higbee Ave Nw Ste 110
Canton, OH 44718-2580
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Contact Information

Phone: (330)491-0544
Website: http://www.fibromyalgiafullresolution.com

Years in Practice


Accepts Insurance



Neuromuscular massage therapy is the frame of my work, but I have also consulted with Dr. Kurt Vreeland in Vermont.  Using the knowledge I have gained from Dr. Vreeland along with neuromuscular massage therapy, I have been able to resolve fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome as documented by Dr. Leonard Knell.   In addition, signs of aging are reversed and athletic potential is maximized. See www.fibromyalgiafullresolution.com.  I am excited about applying the same principles to other difficult cases.