E. Robert Keller

Keller Therapeutics

Massage Therapist Image

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10 Prince Pl Ste 112
Newburyport, MA 01950-2641
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Contact Information

Phone: (978)465-5111
Website: http://www.SeacoastMedicalMassage.com

Years in Practice



How long are you planning to live with your pain?Have you tried everything?  Have the Doctors offered to drug you and cut you up to get rid of your pain?   Do you feel hopeless that you can ever again live a normal life?  And maybe you believe you are hopeless.  But 80% of the 'hopeless' patients I see experience significant relief within one to four gentle treatments. Why not try medical massage?  You're fully clothed, no oils nor creams are used, and treatments are short.

Even if you haven't tried 'everything' already, I think you'll be surprised at its effectiveness. I'm Bob Keller.  Are you ready to move beyond hopelessness, to give up your pain without drugs?  Please call my pain management practice...9778-465-5111