Del Norte, CO 81132-2276
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Contact Information
Phone: (719)580-6158
Years in Practice
Certified by BCTMB
State License/Certificate: CO MT-2819
In massage therapy/ energy healing appointments, I tailor each appointment specifically to your needs. Massage therapy is a healing art and complementary therapy. Bodywork is something I do “with” clients — a creative dialogue in which you as the client and I as a therapist work together to reduce pain, tension, discomfort and dysfunctional patterning within the body and Being. I review your health history and listen to your concerns or wishes for the massage during an intake visit before the first massage to assess your overall health situation. Then we check in before each following session, whether that is the next week or the next year! During your massage, I "listen" to what my hands feel in your muscles or tissues that is achy or painful, or blocked, responding with a variety of techniques ranging from energy work to deep-tissue massage. I may ask quiet questions throughout a session to make sure the massage is meeting your needs. I strongly encourage client questions, participation through daily stretching and exercises (as suggested by me or other care providers), and integration of massage into regular self-care.