Woodbridge, CT 06525-2222
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Contact Information
Phone: 203-397-7767
Website: http://cofrancescochiropractic.com
Years in Practice
As well as being a Licensed Massage Therapist and Reiki master practitioner, I am a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) trained in the Vodder technique of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) through Klose Training & Consulting.
I have also studied Oncology Massage with Tracy Walton & Associates and Breast Cancer Rehabilitation with Klose Training.
It is my sincere belief that therapeutic touch has the power to help us feel more at home in our bodies and more connected in our lives.
nationally board certified, ncmtmb
professional member, society for oncology massage
professional member, national lymphedema network & lymphatic education & research network.