Tacoma, WA 98418
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Contact Information
Phone: (407)461-5504
Years in Practice
I like to describe my work as a powerful, intuitive, and relaxing Swedish massage with influences of Thai, Reflexology, and Esalen. My clients have reported less pain, headache relief, better sleep, better mobility, relief from sport's injuries, and release of muscular tension after their massage. Some have said that I have "healing hands." I have excellent references. I love the “hands-on” approach to making people feel better and interacting with the unique world of the human body. The work revives me and makes me want to learn more about how we are created. I have taken classes with Katie Haley of Cosmic Flower and am certified in aromatherapy. I enjoy making household, personal care, and beauty products with oils for myself and others. I seem to always be concocting something! Since 2014 I've been a Young Living distributor and love using their high quality therapeutic oils and other products in my massage sessions to further enhance the massage experience. I believe that plant oils have a great effect on the mind, body, and emotions and compliment touch therapy. Ask me about my Raindrop massage! Besides Margie Meshew's Thai on the Table classes, I've enjoyed learning more about the Thai modality and Chi Nei Tsang stomach massage from Christopher Ray.
Currently studying massage, oils, and their effect on emotional health, particularly trauma and PTSD.